Autocad Software Interview MCQ Question


1. What is  cad ?

A. It is a system software
B. It is an application software 
C. It is hardware 
D. It is neither H/W nor S/W

Answer:- B

2. Autocad was first released in the year ?

A. 1858
B. 1898
C. 1996
D. 1982

Answer:- D

3. How many units are available in autocad ?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 7
D. 6

Answer:- B

4. How many workspaces are available in Autocad ?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 3

Answer:- B

5. How many grip points does a circle have ?

A. 5
B. 4
C. 2
D. 1

Answer:- A

6.What is the default size of an autocad graphics window ?

A. 12" X 9"
B. 12" X 12"
C. 9" X 14"
D. None of these 

Answer:- A

7. angle between the three principle axis of an isometric drawing is ?

A. 30
B. 45 
C. 90
D. 120

Answer:- D

8. in autocad graphics window, menu bar is located ?

A. Above the title bar 
B. At the same level of title bar 
C. Below the title bar
D. All the above 

Answer:- C

9. Which command creates a new object parallel to the original object ?

A. Parallel command 
B. Pan command 
C. Offset command 
D. Polyline command 

Answer:- C

10. What is the meaning of UCS in autocad ?

A. Universal coordinate system 
B. User computer software 
C. User coordinate system 
D. Universal computer software

Answer:- C 

11. Which command convert discrete object in polyline ?

A. Union
B. Subtract 
C. Join
D. Polyline

Answer:- C

12. When drawing in 2d what axis do you not work with ?

A. X
B. Y
C. Z

Answer:- C

13. Fillet command is used to create ?

A. Round corners 
B. Sharp corners 
C. A solid sphere 
D. None

Answer:- A 

14. Which is used to break a polyline into its individual segments ?

A. Explode 
B. Offset 
C. Extend
D. Edit 

Answer:- A

15. Which command is used to restore the erased objects ?

A. Erase command 
B. Zoom command 
C. Oops command 
D. All the above 

Answer:- C

16.  Which is called drop down menu ?

A. Title bar 
B. Menu bar
C. Standard bar 
D. All the above 

Answer:- B

17. Maximum numbers of sides of a polygon ?

A. 224
B. 1024
C. 524
D. 1224

Answer:- B

18. Which command is used to draw solid circle ?

A. Circle command 
B. Donut command 
C. Oops command 
D. All the above 

Answer:- B

19. Which does change the crosshair cursor into the hand cursor ?

A. Zoom command 
B. Copy command 
C. Pan command 
D. All the above 

Answer:- C

20. In ortho mode, lines are draw to each other ?

A. Inclined 
B. Parallel 
C. Perpendicular 
D. In any direction

Answer:- C 

21. Which command is used to divide object into segments having predefined length ?

A. Divide 
B. Chamfer 
C. Measure 
D. Trim 

Answer:- C

22. in autocad the relative coordinate system is designated by the symbol is......?

A. @
B. <
C. >
D. @&<

Answer:-  A

23. which command is used to join two perpendicular lines by a curve ?

A. Polyline 
B. Fillet
C. Chamfer 
D. Both B & C

Answer:- B

24. which function key is used to turn the grid ON/OFF ?

A. F8
B. F3
C. F5
D. F7

Answer:-  D

25. the command used to erase the object partly is ?

A. Erase command 
B. Explode 
C. Trim 
D. Extend 

Answer:-  C

26. extension file of cad is ?

A. .doc
B. .xls
C. .exe
D. .dwg 

Answer:- D

27. for what purpose, ctrl+Y is used in cad drawing ?

A. To cut a drawing 
B. To copy a drawing 
C. To paste a selected drawing 
D. To use redo 

Answer:- D

28. how many maximum no of viewports can be created in autocad graphics window ?

A. 6
B. 3
C. 4
D. 8

Answer:-  C

29. which command used to delete unnecessary object from drawing ?

A. Trim 
B. Purge 
C. Erase 
D. All the above command 

Answer:- B

30. which command used attach a different drawing in other page ?

A. Xattach 
B. Image attach 
C. Hatch 
D. All the above 

Answer:- A

31. which of the following is not a valid option in circle command ?

A. 3P
B. 2P
D. None 

Answer:- C

32. which of the following is not required on creating a block ?

A. Select the object 
B. Give name of block 
C. Pick base point 
D. Add attributes 

Answer:- D

33. what is the extension file of layers states manger ?

A. .las
B. .ias
C. .layer 
D. .layerstates 

Answer:- A

34. object are rotated around the ?

A. bottom of the object
B. center of the object 
C. base point 
D. origin 

Answer:- C

35. how will you deselect an object while you are selecting set of object ?

A. Ctrl+click on the object to be removed 
B. Shift+click on the object to be removed 
C. Alt+click on the object to be removed 
D. None 

Answer:- B  

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